How to Take a Course?
After you have a membership you will want to start taking courses. If you bought an individual course then the course you bought is already in your My Courses area. You need to resume the course since it is already in your My Courses.

There are two ways to find courses to take. One you can click on a course category link in the Browse Courses panel on the left hand side of any page.


Two, you can click on the Browse Courses link in the blue page header bar

You will then see the Browse Courses page which provides a couple of ways to find courses you might be interested in.

On the Browse Courses page you can select different ways to browse for courses. If you scroll down in the Browse for courses by list box you will see Search Keywords. If you select this choice you will see a text box where you can enter keywords to search for.

If you entered "corporate tax" you would see the following courses list (Note - that you may not see these specific courses since courses could have been updated, replaced or removed). 

You can view the course details page by clicking on a link for the name of the course. The course details page provides more details on the course which you can use to decide whether to take the course or continue browsing for a different course.

If you want to take the course you should click the Take This Course button.

Next, you will see the course cover page. You can click the Start The Course button when you are ready to start taking the course.

Next, you will see the course instructions page. This page provides detailed instructions on taking the course. After reading the instructions you can click the Next Page button which is at the bottom of the instructions.

Next, you will see the learning objectives page for for the first section (or chapter) of the course. After you have read and understood the objectives for the section you can click the Next Page button.

Next, you will see the course content for the current section of the course. You can page through the course content after reading each page. The course content page shows which page of content you are on out of the total page of content (for the section). In the example, we are on page 1 out of 18 pages. You can page through the content by clicking on the Next Page button.

Next, after you have paged through all of the content for the section you will see the review questions for the section. Answering the review questions is optional. The review questions are not graded but you will see interactive evaluative feedback for any answer you select. After you have answered all of the review questions you should click the Next Page button.

Although not required, we recommend that you complete review questions for each section of the course. Please note that you may access the final exam for the course at any time.

Your course may display some option sections, such as a glossary and/or footnotes. After these sections you will see the final exam instructions page which includes information on passing scores, savings answers, grading and retaking the final exam. After you have read the final exam instructions you are ready to take the final exam! Click the Next Page button to continue to the final exam questions.

After you have completed all of the final exam questions click on the Save Answers button. (Note: final exam question answers are auto-saved as you select each answer but you still need to click the Save Answers button to grade your exam answers)

Next, you will see the page which summarizes your final exam. You can click the Grade Exam button to have your answers graded and see the results.

Next, you will see the final exam results page. Hopefully, you passed the final exam and you will see a page similar to that below. After grading your exam, your test score will be displayed, however the list of questions incorrectly answered is only available after you pass the exam. If you did not pass the final exam then you will have the option to continue studying the course materials and/or retaking the final exam. There is no limit on the number of times you can retake the final exam.

If you did pass you can click the Next Page button to see the course evaluation page.

The course evaluation is optional but we appreciate any feedback you might have regarding the course you just completed. After completing the course evaluation (or to skip it) click the Next Page button.

Finally, after the course evaluation page you will see your certificate of completion! Your certificate of completion is always available on your account. You are not required to print your certificate at this time.


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